Services by Wright Pediatric Dentistry
Tongue and Lip Ties
Tongue and Lip Ties
Tongue ties have to do with a small band of tissue that tethers the tongue too tightly to the floor of the mouth. In infants this can hinder the tongue from reaching their palate which is necessary for proper latch while breast feeding.
Tongue and Lip Ties
Lip ties, most commonly the upper lip, also have to do with a band of tissue, this tissue tethers the lip and limits proper flange which can also hinder proper latch. For older individuals with a tongue tie, speech and hindrance of proper oral hygiene are the symptoms. It needs to be noted that the presence of a tongue or lip tie is always important to bring to ones attention, but only when it limits the patient’s function does it need to be treated. Working with a trained lactation consultant before and after the procedure is an integral part to the whole process and is highly recommended for optimal success for both mom and baby. For older children, the same can be said for speech therapists, as continued follow-up is critical to achieving the best results for the child.
Tongue and Lip Ties
When Dr. Wright and others (pediatricians, lactation consultants, speech therapists) diagnose a tongue or lip tie that is causeing a functional problem a short 1 minute procedure with a soft tissue laser is performed to completely remove the tethered tissue. While not all results are immediate, many nursing moms see and feel the difference right away. In the same way some older patients that suffer from speech impediments will need time and continued speech therapy to help reestablish proper muscle memory, but many others experience almost immediate improvement.